Section 1: The Observation Cycle
Part 4
Phase 3: Post-Briefing
Following the lesson, the mentor and mentee should meet to discuss the lesson. This post conference conversation should focus on data-driven reflection and debriefing. Mentors also might consider an information ‘dump’ in which the teacher candidate shares their initial or immediate post-lesson thinking without much reflection. Then, once some time to reflect has occurred to delve more deeply into the observation notes, the lesson can be revisited with another longer conference. Mentors should come prepared for the post-conference with clear 'glows' (i.e., areas of strength, in which the teacher 'glows') and 'grows' (i.e., areas that need improvement or in which there is room to 'grow') for discussion and should plan for future observations with targeted goals derived from the post conference. Strategies for providing feedback will be discussed in the following sections.

Sample Questions​​
Below is a list of sample questions that you might consider when planning a post conference (de-brief) with your teacher candidate.
As you reflect on the lesson, how do you think or feel it went?
When you ….., it was an effective strategy/approach because…..
I noticed…/The data collected indicates…If you ____________, it would be an effective strategy/approach because…
Did students’ behaviors match your vision of success? What evidence of student learning did you notice?
What do you recall about your teaching behaviors? What did you do that generated visible student learning?
Do you believe the outcomes/standards for this lesson were addressed?
What did students do that informed your assessment?
Were there places in the lesson where you changed your teaching strategy?
What indicated that a change was needed?
Did all students perform as you envisioned they would? What’s your hunch as to why or why not?
What reflections about teaching and student learning did this lesson generate?
What will you do/ask students to do in the lesson that follows this one?
Would you offer me feedback about my coaching strategies?
The Observation Cycle
Click on the icon to review the content, questions, and supporting documents for each phase of the observation cycle, or click "Next" to move through each phase of the cycle.
Pause & React
Directions: Watch the video (right) of a post-briefing feedback conference between a mentor and a mentee. As or after you watch, think about what went well or what you would do differently in the feedback conference. Respond to each of the three reflection questions below in the space provided. You can also record your thinking in your Module 4 Companion Guide.
Click "Submit" to complete your response.

"Giving effective feedback after an observation is the difference between evaluating a teacher and developing a teacher."
Permission to use content above granted, 2022
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