Section 4: What's Next?
Module 5 Summary
It is inevitable that at some point in your mentoring you will need to have a difficult conversation with your mentee. In Module 5, you learned strategies for navigating difficult conversations and the power dynamics that can impact those conversations and your overall relationship with your mentee. As you reflect on Module 5, consider your orientation to difficult conversations. How will your knowledge of power dynamics inform how you approach difficult conversations?
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the five asynchronous modules of the Mentoring Virginia Essentials Training! To make it official, take a moment to complete the form below.
Scroll down to view and type directly in the form embedded on this page. After completing the email and name form fields, click "Next" to continue to the reflection section. Here you will complete your draft of "A Letter to my Future Mentee." After completing the form below, remember to click "Submit" to save your answers. You will receive a copy of your responses via email. Please save your responses in your Module 5 Companion Guide, as you will build on these reflections in any future Advanced Mentor Training (synchronous) sessions you attend.
You must complete this final reflection form to receive credit for the asynchronous Essential Mentor Training modules.
In addition to the reflection form below, we hope you will take a moment to complete a brief survey to let us know your perceptions of the training and its potential impact on your work as a mentor.
Click here to open the Module 5 Reflection Form in a new tab.
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