Module 2
Characteristics of Effective Mentors
Driving Focus: As you engage in Module 2, consider the varied roles you may hold as a mentor and the nature of the work the mentee may be engaged in as they are learning to teach. Are you working with a brand new field hours student? An intern? A new teacher? How will your beliefs about mentoring inform your work with your mentee? What characteristics of effective mentoring will you need to tap into most to support your mentee? How can the examination of your practices support mentee learning? How will the nature of your mentoring role inform how you build a relationship with your mentee?
Module 2 Table of Contents
Expected time to complete: 1-2 hours
Section 1: Understanding Your Mentoring Beliefs
Section 2: Characteristics of Effective Mentors
Section 3: Building Relationships With Mentees
Section 4: What's Next?
Learning Objectives
After completing Module 2, you will be able to:
Identify the attributes of highly effective mentors.
Reflect upon personal readiness for mentoring teacher candidates and new teachers.
Examine how the principles of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) can refine personal pedagogy and the development of effective practices for both mentor and mentee.
Before You Begin
Before you begin Module 2, think of a word or short phrase that you think best describes a key characteristic of highly effective mentors. Type your response into the box below and click "Submit." You can view a word cloud visualization of your own and previous responses here. Note: It can take several minutes for a new entry to appear in the word cloud.
Then click "Next" at the bottom of this page to get started.