Module 3
Co-Planning and Co-Teaching
Driving Focus: As you engage in Module 3, consider the varied roles you may hold as a mentor and the nature of the work the mentee may be engaged in as they are learning to teach. With co-planning, co-teaching, and gradual release, the nature of your mentorship may drive the extent to which you are able to engage in these practices with your mentee.
If you are working with a teacher candidate, in what ways will co-planning, co-teaching, and HLPs support the gradual release of responsibilities and progression towards independence?
If you are working with an on-the-job intern or new teacher, how can you support their understanding and application of co-planning, co-teaching, and HLPs with other colleagues and teammates? In what ways might you be able to use co-planning, co-teaching, and HLPs in your mentorship?
Module 3 Table of Contents
Expected time to complete: 2 hours
Section 1: A Nod to the Literature
Section 2: Models of Co-Teaching
Section 3: Co-Planning as a Key to Co-Teaching
Section 4: Gradual Release of Responsibility
(required for mentoring teacher candidates; optional for mentoring new teachers)
Section 5: What's Next?
Learning Objectives
After completing Module 3, you will be able to:
Understand the role of gradual release of responsibilities as an effective mentoring practice in co-planning and co-teaching.
Investigate models of co-planning and co-teaching as they relate to mentoring teacher candidates and new teachers.
Continue to examine how the principles of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) can refine personal pedagogy and the development of effective practices for both mentor and mentee.
Before You Begin
Before you begin Module 3, reflect on your experiences co-planning and co-teaching. How would you describe your previous experiences co-planning, your knowledge of the co-teaching models, and your use of co-teaching models? Hover over the stars below to indicate your experience with co-planning and co-teaching. For each category below, indicate if you are unfamiliar/have no experience (1) or are very familiar/use regularly (5).
Submit your answer by selecting "Submit" at the bottom of the survey.
Then click "Next" at the bottom of this page to get started.