Module 4 Observations and Feedback
Driving Focus: As you engage in Module 4, consider the ways in which you may be asked to provide feedback to a mentee and how feedback can support the implementation of HLPs. If you are mentoring a teacher candidate, you may be providing feedback multiple times throughout the day in a variety of formal and informal ways. However, if you are mentoring a new teacher or on the job teacher, you may have more limited opportunities to provide feedback and as such these may need to be more intentional and structured.
If you are working with a teacher candidate, in what ways do you envision providing feedback? What format(s) might you use? When might you share the feedback and why? How will you involve the teacher candidate in decisions about how feedback will be shared?
If you are working with an on-the-job intern or new teacher, in what ways do you envision providing feedback? What format(s) might you use? When might you share the feedback and why? How will you involve your mentee in decisions about opportunities for feedback?
Module 4 Table of Contents
Expected time to complete: 2 hours
Section 1: The Observation Cycle
Section 2: Providing Feedback
Section 3: Effective Feedback
Section 4: What's Next?
Learning Objectives
After completing Module 4, you will be able to:
Determine communication styles, challenges, and guidelines for reflective mentors.
Identify frameworks for observing teacher candidates and new teachers.
Implement specific guidelines and protocols to provide effective feedback to teacher candidates and new teachers.
Continue to examine how the principles of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) can refine personal pedagogy and the development of effective practices for both mentor and mentee.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, answer the question in the form below to reflect on your own experience with feedback.
Submit your answer by selecting "Submit" at the bottom of the survey.
Then click "Begin Module 4" at the bottom of this page to get started.