Module 5
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Driving Focus: From time to time in your work as a mentor, situations may arise that require you to engage in conversations that are difficult for both you and your mentee. Module 5 focuses on strategies for making these conversations positive and productive. As you review the content of Module 5, consider how your mentoring role informs who is responsible for addressing challenges when they arise and ultimately engaging in difficult conversations.
If you are working with a teacher candidate, the university supervisor along with you (the mentor) collaborate as a triad. What are the power dynamics in these relationships? What types of situations might warrant ‘difficult conversations? In what situations would you need to involve school administrators? What potential power dynamics exist in your mentor/mentee relationship?
If you are working with an on-the-job intern or new teacher, what is required of you as a mentor? Who is responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the on-the-job intern or new teacher? What types of situations might warrant ‘difficult conversations’ and who is responsible for leading these? What potential power dynamics exist in your mentor/mentee relationship?
Module 5 Table of Contents
Expected time to complete: 2 hours
Section 1: What is a Difficult Conversation?
Section 2: Strategies for Navigating Difficult Conversations
Section 3: Additional Considerations for Navigating Difficult Conversations
Section 4: What's Next?
Learning Objectives
After completing Module 5, you will be able to:
Reflect upon experiences with navigating difficult conversations.
Deepen understanding of what characterizes a difficult conversation.
Identify strategies for navigating difficult conversations with mentees.
Apply strategies for navigating difficult conversations with mentees.
Before You Begin
Before you begin Module 5, reflect on your experience with difficult conversations. What is a difficult conversation? What conversations can be anticipated in a mentoring context, and how can you prepare for them? Take a moment to answer the questions below.
Submit your answer by selecting "Submit" at the bottom of the survey.
Then click "Next" at the bottom of this page to get started.